Labels:text | screenshot | font | rectangle OCR: AVIEDIT.EXE AVI File SCANAVI.EXE AVI File DIBS Audio Video Audio Stream Video Rectangle Stream Stream Stream Stream Audio PREPARATION Figure & Cartoon Preparation and Playback PLAYBACK device for MCI is the MCIWnd device. Toon OpenMovie constructs. The black AVI File installs the necessary run-time procedures for you. areas are pixels that are Audio Video Rectangle You can provide very simple hot spots to let the user transparent in the dif- Stream: Stream Stream initiate playback. Simply define rectangular areas on the ference frame, but screen and associate them with a specific sequence of changed. These are frames. When you receive a WM_LBUTTONDOWN in the drawn using the logical rectangle, use the MCI commands to play the appropriate NOT of the transparent MCIAVI.DRV frames of the AVI file. This plays a sequence of video and color index. Also, look at audio in response to the mouse click. the transparent areas in Rectangles the center of the charac- WINTOON.DLL ter. These are non-trans- ScanAVI analyzes each video frame in the AVI file and writes the rectangle stream. Each frame of the rectangle parent pixels in the source frames, but they stream contains a list of rectangles that must be drawn to have not changed. the window for that frame. WinToon uses the dirty rect- ScanAVI interprets angle stream to determine the optimal drawing set for them as transparent. It each frame. This substantially limits the amount of screen does not look very ap- real estate that gets drawn for each frame. pealing, but it does work, The rectangle list for a frame contains all the rectangles ScanAVI now finds the WinG that need to be drawn to erase portions of the previous most efficient set of rect- Buffer frame and draw the current frame. Any pixel that changed angles to Blt for the non- color between the last frame and the current frame needs transparent pixels in the to be in a rectangle, As mentioned earlier, the RLE differ- frame. This list is not ence frames contain all the correct information for which the smallest surface area pixels changed, Pixels that have not changed are encoded for the frame, ScanAVI Video with RLE jumps. First ScanAVI sets every pixel in the will use fewer larger Output destination DIB to the transparent (key) color. Then, it rectangles on a fast video decodes the current frame into this destination. ScanAVI driver and a larger list Audio Output changes the DIB as it decodes it. Any transparent pixels in of smaller rectangles on